App Development Module

The app development module is organized in three blocks that complement each other. First, the students design the layout of the app by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flask. Second, they program the economic simulations by using Python. Finally, they deploy their apps in the server, by using GitGub, Heroku, and Amazon Web Services.

  • The first seven chapters of the course are a block of chapters that will help you to develop the home and the methodology webpages in your project. Those seven chapters are common with the course Green Digitalization and App Development that Mario teaches at HVL and NHH in Bergen. Therefore, when you click on the links to those chapters, you will be redirected to the chapters in the Green Digitalization and App Development webpage. If you want to come back to the main webpage of the course Sustainable Business Models, you only need to click on the icon of the course located on the main menu of the Green Digitalization and App Development webpage.
  • The last three chapters of the course are specific for the course Sustainable Business Models, and they will have their own webpages hosted in the Sustainable Business Models webpage. In those three chapters, we will develop all the tools necessary to work out transport carbon emissions.

Ch1: We install Python and Visual Studio Code. We learn to create virtual enviroments, and we create our first Flask app.

Ch2: By using Flask routes, we design the basic structure of our app (home page, and app calculator page).

Ch3: We learn the basic elements of HTML (head and title), and we study the main elements and properties of the head and title.

Ch4: We develop the HTML and CSS file to design the navigation bar, the header and the developers sections in our home.html file.

Ch5: We develop the HTML and CSS file to design the methodology.html and carbon_app files. We also learn how to use Bootstrap.

Ch6: By using Blueprints, we change the structure of our app creating a package that will be hosted in the platform Forward.

Ch7: We create an account in GitHub and Amazon Web Services (AWS). We deploy our app in AWS by using Elastic Beanstalk and CodePipeline.

Ch8: We learn how to create forms to interact with the user. We protect sensitive information creating environmental variables.

Midway conference: The students present their apps and their business models. They also explain their team work strategy.

Ch9: By using Python, we develop the mathematical machinery to work out users' transport carbon emissions.

Ch10: We learn to access users' carbon emissions data and we display that information by using chart.js.