Curso Economías del Español

El curso de Economías del Español tiene como objetivo conectar los temas más relevantes en aprendizaje del español con la digitalización.

Para lograr ese objetivo, durante el curso los estudiantes analizan temas relevantes en aprendizaje del español, construyen un modelo lingüístico para aprender español y desarrollan una aplicación basada en ese modelo lingüístico.

Para desarrollar la aplicación, el curso está organizado en tres bloques que se complementan entre sí. Primero, los estudiantes diseñan la interfaz de la aplicación utilizando HTML, CSS, JavaScript y Flask. Segundo, programan el modelo lingüístico utilizando Python y SQLAlchemy. Finalmente, despliegan sus aplicaciones en el servidor, utilizando GitHub y Amazon Web Services.



Capítulo 1: Instalamos Python y Visual Studio Code. Aprendemos a crear entornos virtuales y creamos nuestra primera aplicación Flask. También trabajamos con Jinja y con platillas de HTML para combinar el c´digo Python con HTML y organizar de una manera más eficiente nuestra app.

Capítulo 5: Utilizando Python, desarrollamos el modelo lingüístico para aprender español. Desplegamos nuestra aplicación conectada a una base de datos PostgreSQL en Amazon Web Services utilizando un Servicio de Base de Datos Relacional.

Capítulo 2: Aprendemos los elementos básicos de HTML (head y title), y estudiamos los principales elementos y propiedades del head y title. Desarrollamos el archivo HTML y CSS para diseñar la barra de navegación, y la estructura de todas las páginas de nuestra app: home.html, business.html y light_talk_app.html.

Capítulo 6: Desarrollamos algunas consultas básicas para acceder a las frases introducidas por los usuarios y las mostramos usando tablas. El usuario puede modificar sus bases de datos y ver su progreso en el aprendizaje usando chart.js.

Capítulo 3: Usando Blueprints, cambiamos la estructura de nuestra aplicación. Aprendemos a crear formularios para interactuar con el usuario. Creamos una cuenta en GitHub y AWS. Usando esas cuentas, desplegamos nuestra aplicación en AWS usando Elastic Beanstalk y CodePipeline.

Conferencia Light-Day: Al final del curso, organizamos una conferencia donde las estudiantes comparten sus aplicaciones con startups, empresas tecnológicas y educativas. Esa conferencia está abierta a estudiantes y a la sociedad.

Capítulo 4: Conectamos nuestra aplicación a una base de datos utilizando Flask-MySQL. Creamos consultas para acceder a la información de los usuarios. Aprendemos a personalizar los mensajes de validación y nos centramos en las funcionalidades de inicio de sesión, cierre de sesión y autenticación.

Preguntas Frequentes

Assignment at NHH.

Portfolio in groups of 6-7 students consisting of the following parts:

  • Essay on transport carbon emissions (7-8 pages).
  • Developing an app to assess transport carbon emissions.
  • Weekly challenges.
  • Final conference presentation.
  • A final grade will be allocated to each group.
All parts of the portfolio must be conducted in the same semester.

The essay and the presentation in the final conference will be evaluated by the course responsible and an external evaluator.

An assessment in FOR19 will not be organised in the the non-teaching semester. As of autumn 2023, only mandatory bachelor courses with an individual assessment will have an assessment in the non-teaching semester. This only applies to students with a valid course approval. The retake options that apply at all times are decided by the dean for the bachelor program and will be published in the course description.

There are two requirements that each student must fulfil to be qualified for the final exam.

  • Every week, each group of students will have five-ten minutes to present their proposed solution for the “weekly challenge” about the topic that we covered the previous week. The “weekly challenge” does not account for the final grade, but it is a requirement for the course approval.
  • At the end of the course, I organize a conference where all the groups present their apps. The presentation does not account for the final grade, but it is a requirement for the course approval.

The students write a 8-9 pages (no more) essay. To write the essay, the students must search in scientific papers and official documents to develop a solid methodology to work out transport carbon emissions. The quality of the essay will be based on the methodology, and the quality and originality of the exposition. The students can present exclusively the methodology, or can also illustrate the methodology with examples, or any other resource they consider appropriate. The entire idea of the course is to help the student not find a job, but to create their own companies. In the essay, the students can also develop the business model for their app.

Based on the methodology and the business model presented in the essay, the students develop and app. The app will be developed step by step during the course. At the end of the course each group have its own app running on Amazon Web Services. To have a good grade, the apps must have all the functionalities developed during the course. The students could also change the layout of their apps if they want. The students have a lot of freedom to develop their own app. However, to have a good grade, the students must guarantee that the app have all the functionalities learned during the course, and have a nice and intuitive layout.

During the course, I will teach the students to create their own GitHub repository, and their own accounts in Amazon Web Service. After each lecture, the students will update the GitHub account based on the content covered in that lecture. By doing that, the students will have their own apps running in Amazon Web Service. Before to take the exam, each student must send me the links to their GitHub repositories and Amazon Web Service, so that I can verify that they have followed the course.

At the end of the course, I will create a package with the students’ apps. Therefore, each group will have its own app hosted in the platform Forward. This will help the students to have a portfolio of apps publicly available at no cost, since the students’ apps will use the databases and the resources of Forward.

The essay and the development of the app is conducted in random groups of 6-7 persons. In the future the students will need to work with persons from different background, and write and essay and develop in that environment helps them to make that transition smoothly.


The course starts on Monday 8th January, and finishes on Wednesday 17th April. The course will be taught for 15 weeks, and we will cover 14 chapters. Therefore, we will cover approximately one chapter per week.

The key dates for the course are the next ones:

  • Wednesday 06th March: Midway conference. The midway conference will be around 06th March. The date will be flexible since the conference will be after chapter 8.
  • Wednesday 17th April: Deadline to submit the final version of the paper with your methodology.
  • Monday 22nd April: Final exam.


The course starts on Tuesday 9th January, and finishes on Wednesday 17th April. The course will be taught for 15 weeks, and we will cover 14 chapters. Therefore, we will cover approximately one chapter per week.

The key dates for the course are the next ones:

  • Wednesday 06th March: Midway conference. The midway conference will be around 06th March. The date will be flexible since the conference will be after chapter 8.
  • Wednesday 17th April: Deadline to submit the final version of the paper with your methodology.
  • Wednesday 24th April: Final exam.

At HVL, the lectures are on Tuesdays (10.15-12.00) in J204 (36), and Wednesdays (08.15-10.00) in Aud D426. At NHH, the lectures are on Mondays and Wednesdays (14.15–16.00) in Aud J.

Each chapter has its own webpage. To make the course more effective, and to facilitate the learning process, each chapter has its own YouTube video(s), and its own GitHub repository(ies). The students must watch the videos and follow the directions in the videos before each lecture.

In each lecture, we go through the material covered in the videos, and we will type all the code. So, that at the end of the lecture we are sure that all the students understand the material covered in each chapter. In the lectures, we will work in groups. So, the students can help each other.

Each week, I will propose a “weekly challenge” to the students. The students will work on that challenge together, and the subsequent week we will propose the solutions to the challenge in the lecture. Each week, all the groups will present their solution in the weekly challenge. To facilitate the cooperation to solve the weekly challenge, we will use a chat where all the students from HVL and NHH will participate. I will participate also in that chat proposing ideas to solve the weekly challenge.

All the lectures will be streamed by using Zoom (

If any student/group needs help, please let me know, and we will meet to solve any problem/doubt that you might have. You can ask me for a tutorial during the lectures or drop me a line by using Canvas or my email (

If you cannot meet physically, please drop me a line, and we set an appointment at a different time, or by using Zoom (