
This is a summery of the formulas we used for the calculations.

Our numbers and formulas

This is the genral formula for calculating the CO2 emissions. We multply the co2 equivalents with the number of km traveld. Some of the transport mothods used tihis simple fromula, whilst others have small varibale changes. This will shown under. The co2 emissions for each transport method for one kilometer are presented in a table at the bottom of the page.

\[ \text{General Formula}: \] \[ e : \text{CO2 emissions per km} \] \[ d : \text{number of kilometers travelled} \] \[ \text{Formula for total emissions} : (e \times d) \]

This is the foumal we use to calcucalte emissions for cars. We chose to give the variable w three possible values. A standard size vehicle is being attributed the value 1. We consider that an SUV, for a same distance, is responsible for 15% more CO2 emissions on average than the standard sized vehicle, which corresponds to the value of 1,15. Asmall sized vehicle, which on average emits 15% less CO2 than a standard sized vehicle is attributed the value of 0,85.

\[ \text{Car formula}: \] \[ e : \text{CO2 emissions per km} \] \[ d : \text{number of kilometers travelled} \] \[ w : \text{car wheight coefficient} \] \[ \text{Formula for total emissions} : (e \times d \times w ) \]

For the plane, train, bus and ferry we apply the same principle. Emission per kilometer multplied by the number of kilometers. For this shared methods, the number is for one passenger rather than the whole tour. We introduce also another formula which can be used to find the emmisions for all the passengers.

\[ \text{Shared transport}: \] \[ e : \text{CO2 emissions per km per passenger} \] \[ d : \text{number of kilometers travelled} \] \[ p : \text{number of passengers} \] \[ \text{Formula for emissions per passenger} : (e \times d) \] \[ \text{Formula for total emissions} : \left(\frac{e \times d}{p}\right) \]

We intorduce one last formula, for calculating emmsions for takin teh ferry with a car.

\[ \text{Fetty with a car}: \] \[ e : \text{CO2 emissions per km for alone driver} \] \[ e' : \text{CO2 emissions per km for one additiona passenger} \] \[ d : \text{number of kilometers travelled} \] \[ p' : \text{number of additional passengers} \] \[ p : \text{number of total passengers} \] \[ \text{Formula for emissions for one car} : (e \times d) + (e' \times d \times p') \] \[ \text{Formula for emissions per passenger of the car} : \left(\frac{(e \times d) + (e' \times d \times p')}{p}\right) \]
Transport Method Emission in CO2_eq per kilometre
Motorbike 0.114 kg
Diesel car 0.171 kg
Petrol car 0.192 kg
Hybrid car 0.068 kg
Electric car 0.047 kg
Bus 0.097 kg/passenger
Domestic flight 0.246 kg/passenger
Short-haul flight 0.151 kg/passenger
Long-haul flight 0.147 kg/passenger
Electric train 0.004 kg/passenger
Diesel train 0.041 kg/passenger
Ferry as person 0.0187 kg/passenger
Ferry as passenger of car 0.1295 kg/passenger