Sustainable Energy and App Development

This course focuses on the study of sustainable energy and its relation with the Sustainable Development Goals.

By using Flask, Python, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML code, we develop a carbon emissions calculator app for Elkjøp. By using that app, the customers at Elkjøp will be able to work out the carbon emissions necessary to bring to Norway the devices that they buy. By using the same app, the customers will be allowed to buy trees in the location that they decide to compensate for their carbon emissions.



App Development Module

In this part of the course, we develop a carbon emission calculator app for Elkjøp by using Flask, Python, JavaScript, HTML and CSS

Sustainable Energy Module

In this part of the course we cover the most salient topics in sustainable energy, and we connect those topics with the Sustainable Development Goals

Frequently Asked Questions

The assignment of the course consists on two parts.

First, the students have to write an essay of 5 pages with the methodology used to work out the transport carbon emissions. This part of the course counts for the 30% of the final grade.

The objective of this part of the course is that you know the basic methodology to work out transport carbon emissions for cars, buses, boats, planes, motorbikes. I would like that the students provide some basic information about the carbon emissions of those means of conveyance. The students can fine-tune their methodology by differentiating among fuel types: diesel, electric. An introduction to frame the discussion, and an example to give some numerical analysis could be also useful. For example, a comparison of the carbon emissions between Bergen and Oslo depending on the means of conveyance can be useful and illustrative.

The methodology could be fine-tuned in different respects. For example, by differentiating between types of hydrogen used in transport: brown, grey, blue or green. By differentiating the types of bioenergy, or the source of electricity to charge electric batteries. The methodology could also be fine-tuned by considering life cycle of batteries, and the means of conveyance. However, I do not want the students go in that direction. The students will have the opportunity to go deeper and further in their analysis in their 20 pages project, since that is the topic that the students consider interesting for them.

Second, the students have to write an essay of 20 pages on a topic that they choose related to the content of the course. The students also have to present this research in the conference organized at the end of the course. This part of the course counts for the 70% of the final grade. This part of the course will be evaluated by me, and Elisa Trujillo from University of Lleida.

The objective of this part of the course is that you choose a topic that interest you, and that you write 20 pages about it. The way in which you address that topic depends on you. You can write a survey, a theoretical, an empirical, or an operation research paper. That depends on your preferences. It is important that the style of the paper suits the methodology that you choose. It is also important that the style fits the 20 pages objective. Most of the students tend to use the structure of a 100 pages master thesis even when I ask them to write 20 pages. The objective of this part of the course is that you learn to write different types of documents, with different length and different styles.

The app developed by the students does not account for the final grade.

The students have to write a one page summary of their final essay to be published in the newsletter of the course, but that part does not account for the final grade.

The development of the app is conducted in random groups of six persons. In the future the students will need to work with persons from different background, and this part of the course helps them to make that transition smoothly.

The essay in the topic chosen by the students is conducted in groups of six persons. These groups can be formed by the students as they want. I suggest the students to form balanced groups by gender, nationality.

The 5 pages essay with the methodology used to work out carbon emissions have to be delivered by March 21.

On April 04, we organize the midway conference where the students present their 20 pages essay. This helps the students to train for the final conference, and to know the points that have to be fine-tuned in their research.

The 20 pages essay has to be delivered by April 15, and the final conference will take place on April 22.

The first hour of the lectures on Monday will be allocated to build students' app. During the first fifteen minutes, we conduct the Mondays Challenge Breakfast, where one of the groups will present the development of the app the previous week plus some small change on their app. During the second part of the lecture, we add some more lines of code ot our app. We conclude each lecture by pushing our app to the server, and the students can see from the first day the progress in their work.

The code for each lecture will be available in a Github account, so the students can have access to that code and they will be sure that their app run at the end of each lecture. By doing that, the students will focus on the process, and will not be stressed if they miss some part of the code.

The second part of the lecture on Monday, and the lectures on Wednesdays will be allocated to study the sustainable energy module of the course. That part of the course consists on debates, videos, presentations, and exercises. We complement those lectures with keynote speakers lectures.

All the lectures will be streamed, recorded and posted on Canvas.

The tutorials will take place on Fridays from 10:00 to 12:00. We can meet in my office (C318) located in the third floor of the tall building. With your card, you do not have access to the corridor, so make me a phone call (0047 93461979), and I will open the door.

We can set an appointment on Fridays from 10:00 to 12:00 by using Zoom (

If you cannot meet on Fridays at that time, please drop me a line, and we set an appointment at a different time.